Vreau sa impartasesc acest minunat poem cu toti cei ce-l veti citi.
Mi-a iesit in cale deloc intamplator.
Citindu-l si iar citindu-l, m-a facut sa simt pana in strafunduri : dragostea cu nuante de smarald, grija cu miros de scortisoara, increderea neconditionata, atitudinea binevoitoare,ingaduinta ocrotitoare, lumina intelepciunii Mamei Pamant.
And the Great Mother Said:
" Come my child and give me all that you are.
I am not afraid of your strength and darkness,of your fear and pain.
Give me your tears. They will be my rushing rivers and roaring oceans.
Give me your rage. It will erupt into my molted volcanoes and rolling thunder.
Give me your tired spirit. I will lay it to rest in my soft meadows.
Give me your hopes and dreams. I will plant a field of sunflowers and arch rainbows in the sky.
You are not too much for me. My arms and heart welcome your true fullness.
There is room in my world for all of you, all that you are.
I will cradle you in the boughs of my ancient redwoods and the valleys of my gentle rolling hills.
My soft winds will sing you lullabies and soothe your burdened heart.
Release your deep pain.
You are not alone and you have never been alone."
Homecoming-Linda Reuther
Din Emotia in care m-a scufundat acest poem s-a nascut sapunul cu Flori de galbenele.
Si totodata aleg sa -i raspund acestei Unice Mame ,cu respect, recunostinta si smerenie in orice moment si orice loc.
Uleiuri si unturi saponificate de masline, floarea soarelui, cocos, cacao, palmier, shea,decoct din flori de galbenele, amestec apicol din miere-pastura-polen-propolis-laptisor de matca,uleiuri esentiale de lavanda, patchouli, salvie, melissa si ylang-ylang, incrustatii din ultimul sapun cu lavanda,sapunul cu mac si sapunul cu ciocolata neagra.
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